Thursday, March 17, 2011

Out In the Carport!

The other day, Mum set up a seat and some books outside on a colourful table and took me outside in my cage and put me on the bin for the afternoon.  While she sat for a long time and read, I enjoyed the wind in my feathers, had a bath in my drinking water and sing to the other birdies. 
But the family of bad Micky Birds flew around and made me scared.  So Mum took me back inside. She reemembers the time they attacked me and I didn't like them. I have tried to forget them, but its hard. 
We saw a lizard with a blue tongue and Mum took soem photos of him. then we saw a really big one and he just went into the place of spikey plants. She loves these lizards, says they are lovely as she photografs them. She came inside soon and packed her seat away. She was tired that night.

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