Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Busy Weekend

Mum and me had a busy weekend. she was around the house working on won of tha rooms upstairs for a long time. but at night we had a big problem. late at night when she came down to put the phone on the thing that goes beep, mum found lots of cockroaches running around tha place! Yuk! so she ran around and killed them. some hid some are dead.
instead of just cleaning up she pulled apart the kitchen counta and found where they had been hiding and cleaned up that place.
that was on fryday night. but on saturday they were back and mum had to kill more of them! tha fishies were swimming around telling Mum where they were hiding and she was getting them all! Mum threw out a lot of paper that night and cleaned up even more. no more cockieroachies. but she had to clean up the house better
mum was gone all day sunday and came home to no cockies until thye came out later. i think they do this to tease her. but she got them all and she went to bed. yestaday she cleaned out the kitchen counta better than ever! big days for us all!

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