Thursday, August 4, 2011

Warma Weatha

It's been cold at night but the sun has been nice and warm in the day. Mum will take the covers off me and its out there waiting for me! I go running along the perch around in circles just before she does and she laughs. this is because I cant wait until I see the sun to warm my feathers; I think Mum knows this too becasue she smiles when I look outside and run to the corner of the cage and look out there.
Mum is so good to me. She bought me more seed this week and stored it under the kitchen sink until its time for me to eat it. In the afternoons she pulls the curtains and makes sure I'm nice and warm with my covers on me and we watch a show on television called 'Rosanne' and another one called 'Family Ties'; they are old shows. She likes them. Not too late at night, she turns off the television and we have a quiet house sometimes while she goes upstairs and she leave me alone until it's time to turn out the lights and she comes to cover me cage up.

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