Mum opened the curtains today and the sun came in on me;
but I didn't want to get out of bed. She's so good to me when I'm not very nice to her. She grabbed my food tray and filled it with lovely seed and bland crunchy stuff out of the fridge and the put it back in saying the same thing she says every morning: 'The breakfast of champions.' before
walking away. And all i do is give her a horrible look and want to stik my head back in my feathers. Then, she goes out the back, puts on a load of washing and goes out to buy the paper before making some grey ugly stuff for herself; and I thought i ate badly.
Mum reads the newspaper on Sundays. She loves the comics and hung out laundry while she read too. Tomorrow she will be doing more laundry too before going out with her Mum - another human who loves me a lot and calls me a brat (but she doesn't mean it).
Today, I found out why Mums going out. She pulled over a box full of stuff and took it all out, counting three of everything except the big orange vests and paint. She took photos and I watched on. Mum looked really excited about it all and put it back in the box to see if she could do it without the lid falling off; and she did! I can't wait until I get to see the photos of what she's done.
Well, the sun is going away from my cage now and it's begining to get cold again. So, I better screech to get her attention so she can pull the front green curtain to keep me warm.