Mum's been sad lately. One of hers friends died and she got really sad, but I was here to help her and give her lots of feathers and cuddles. She says I always help with my little whistles and that it's nice I'm here.
The otherday I was let out and flew around when I thought it would be fun to land on the flag she has sitting around near the garage door. but I forgot I can't land on it and ended up behind the china cabinet and got stuck between the wall and it. Well, Mum pulled it out and found me jammed there with my feet hanging down! How funny is that? She rescewed me and made sure my wings were broken.
She also got me off that horrible Pellet food. she sed she talked to a breeder in South Australia on the net and they told her that what she was doing is right; and I don't need the pellets. How good is that? This is saving her mony too.
Also on Friday, she pulled my house apart, put me on her shoulder and scrubbed it all out. I thought to make it more fun and try and poo on her while she did it.
Well, we had a intresting weekend. She went out yesterday and came home late from a friends' house. even though she was tired, she still gave me a cuddle before going to bed.